There are two dimensions to Kingdom inheritance. The 1st is the inheritance we receive from Christ; the second is the inheritance we win for Christ. The more we become aware of the inheritance we receive from Him, the more our hearts burn with the need to win an inheritance for Him. The inheritance we’re charged with to win for Him is the nations. Psalm 2 reads, “ask, and I will grant you the nations as your inheritance.” The nations of the Earth, ablaze with the revelation of who God is and what He’s like, is the vision we are contending for. Our vision is our strategy? What we behold we become. As we behold the vision of the face of Christ we become fire. The more we become fire the more we are sent out to the ends of the Earth to set it afire with a passion for Jesus.

The Story
I was a monk for 21 years, 2 of those I lived as a hermit in the Catskill Mountains. My time spent in this serene mountain sanctuary was dedicated to monastic prayer, worship and solitude. The transformation that took place at that time was a shift from my idea of who Jesus was to the presence of Jesus in the concrete reality before me. I learned that the more honest I can be with the reality before me the more tangible the presence of Christ becomes. The fruit of this season was a familiarity with the presence of Jesus.
The next 3 years I lived and worked in London. With a growing understanding of prophetic worship I soon found my family in Christ widening to include a great variety of followers of Jesus. Their passionate love for Jesus drew me to love Him with greater zeal. Here I began to see familiarity with the presence of Christ, a love for the Church’s rich monastic tradition and a lifestyle of prophetic worship merge together. The synergy of these elements is part of the Genesis of Mission1249. However, there’s one more ingredient.
After London I spent a year as a missionary in Northern Ireland, a place marked deeply by the division between Catholics and Protestants. In Derry a culture of signs and of wonders began to mix with a culture of prophetic worship and as it did It became clear that our Heavenly Father desired to heal our divided community. We watched in awe as by worshiping and praying together we experienced the fruit of a future age. The revelation of being sons and daughters of God displaced division and the Father’s love began to heal the hurt and emotional pain that accumulated during the previous generations. The impact of this move of God on my life was so powerful that it brought me back to the beginning, back home to build again, to set out again, to start afresh from Christ and to launch Mission1249.